Easter Shian

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It’s not looking pretty!

Pretty or not? The focus in media is negativity and we get drowned in media interpretation for selling papers. As of right now,we are in the middle of an epidemic, a global pandemic- one that no generation has been through ever before. At times like this we either withdraw, fight head on a deny any issues, we are anxious and fearful or we rise, we deal with the head on collision heading our way and make it our own. However, it’s affecting you and yours its the right way for you- as long as you aren’t putting others at risk.

We have adopted a new language- furlough, social distancing, self isolation, clap for our carers and so much more. We are dealing with identity and equality like never before.

Humans are humans- making a negative judgment of others for colour skin, gender, religion, political or any other way is indicative of you not them.

I struggle with the inequality, as I don’t understand the ability we have as humans to harm and hurt. Our differences of colour, race, ethnicity, religion, politics, gender , sexuality make us unique, special yet of the same kind-human. Right now Black Lives Matter as they are so misrepresented, oppressed and attacked. We can progress to fighting equality for all. yet focussing on Black Lives means we start the positive active change that’s required.

My commitment is to never stop learning, working to understand better, connect, follow up and always seek out diverse, open, equal perspectives, see and not judge, hear and not assume, listen and care, take action not just for a day for life

Go to my social media accounts @homeofrealfod for resources, links and follow ups