Easter Shian

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Simmering impatience

Waiting isn’t my best skill. Right now life is full of waiting.

Do you have a way to deal with impatience? Mine falls into three things

1. Eat

2. Cook

3. Grump

Rinse and repeat

We are waiting for the process of legal and finance worlds to collide for the missives and Scottish House Purchasing process to be done.

It’s that odd feeling that you might be in the wrong when you know that everything is tickecty boo and that you have down all you can, it’s in order and that this niggle of doubt is normal.

So instead I distract myself with work and my three impatience partners aid me through. Eat- so this eating thing is a tad frustrating as we are being ultra healthy eating that mid life bulge fight and resetting ourselves for the next 50 years ahead!

So the eating is limited yet the cooking doesn’t need to be and I made - Rich Tea Biscuits (Will post recipe) they were fabulous and am going to adapt the recipe a bit to

-use my pasta machine to get them supremely thin prior to baking

- make some adaptations like ground almonds , honey ones

-decrease the salt only used 1/2 tsp tasted that little too towards the salt tang

They were a hit and we ate the lot in two days! Plus didn’t need to go out to the scary food shop and also didn’t bang the healthy eating - good job So two out of three complete, still simmering impatience so this weekend off to the new house to literally stare at from afar and discover some big hikes around the area - we should get used to the new locale anyway.

How do you combat impatience?

What is the best thing you’ve eaten isn’t the last week?

What’s your current fave recipe?

What’s your weekend look like?

Off for a simmering grump around and eat a date or two! TTFN