Change is good

Well change is good when it’s our choice isn’t it!

So there is a serious point to all this, that life can suck, life is hard, it’s tough we all have god days, we all have bad days, these can flow into many or singular days or moments. Our lives are just that and one thing as my day job allows me to do is see the human element in all we do, it’s also about making choices. Choices good or bad, right or wrong, a choice create change and being more accountable for our choices (gosh this is serious stuff!),

A choice shouldn’t be right wrong, good or bad. It’s a choice we have to decide and do then if need be make another choice. We have to own the choice. That’s the starting point.

Also the fun part, of choosing is we can choose the nice bits too. The real non sanitized social media bits, the non photo moments, the natural moments, the memories, the smells, the noises, the triggers, the touch, the nice bits, the micro mini seconds, the long hugs, the touch, the feeling the feelings. This a precursor to me choosing what my next year will be. My choices I am making and sharing them for anyone who’s interested.


Why do I do what I do?

Do you even care? Does it matter - well no, this ether tinternet thing means I’m writing to myself anyway!?! Think this is just me working out why I actually do what I do! I write in this blog as Debbie. Debbie is complex, introvert and extrovert. Prefers to be behind the scenes than in front of contrary to what others think. I’m the Debbie who runs a diverse consulting business by day, says yes to push herself and can regret that yes many a time. Fights hard, deals with slowly, does and say I can first.


Real Food

I write about food from winning The Taste not because I’m a fabulous chef (I’m pretty good cook actually!), it’s’ because I LOVE food, all it brings from the thinking about it, the social eating together, the calm it creates in me, the creativity it pushes in me and most of all the army of people who I have met. I love the reactions I get when someone eats my food and sharing that is part of the joy.


Real Life

I write about Real Life because it helps me deal with the life i live - widowed by death by suicide of my husband as a young wife and mum, single parenting, abusive relationships, gief, loss, growth, drink and sobriety , remarriage and the role we play in our own life. I want to add value and this is my day job and how its evolving every year.

The next 3 years are all about change and learning - be it food, life or living!


Real Living

I write about Real LIving for my love of interiors, home. House to home, the enjoy of making a home and the tribulations and errors it creates too. Our joy of being able to have our forever home and how it testing our skills, the opportunity to make a new mini business from renovating the barns and renting out. So Living is about space, environment and maxing it out. Plus i am nosey and love seeing other peoples styles, and houses- a right move trawler I am just looking at homes. Nosey & curiosity is a great Living quality!

All the things are part of me and the want to share becomes cathartic and hopefully helps one person, or gives me insight into being better for me. It’s’ a want not to be liked, or have likes thankfully I am not driven by that (and I say thankfully as I could play up to it, or get distracted from the real stuff, which I would have to self correct regularly!). I live in the bubble of naivety and that the process right now is good enough for me and makes me.

So what all this waffle about , it’s how I want to take on 2021 and onwards, how i want to test and trial stuff that may help ( I know it will help me, yet would love it help others)

I’ve decided to change my home of real food,life & living way I do stuff.

We have made our own big changes here - move to Scotland from Mallorca, buying our forever home, learning new skills and surviving floods and mice, bats and the wilds of rural Perthshire. Our work life is the same without the travel and we embrace our husband and wife team situ with joy. Yet I want to start new things- interior design business, the barns rentals and events, get back travelling, writing and run the consulting business too. and to do this I have to change things.

Social media can be consumptive, rabbit hole time consumptive, also not sure what it is I am achieving? My own need? Does it add value to anyone. Does it add value to me? I can only ever answer for myself so I need to look at what i spend my time doing I know the house updates i get comments on and some minor food ones etc. So I want to be more intentional. I choose to achieve what I want, I choose to not be attached to my phone , I choose to add value, I choose to make a difference, I choose to make money the way I want and share. So my little tweaks and changes for me are:

  • Instagram will be a 12 pictures each month of what i think are the key ones so 3 a week. This will limit my time on my phone and also be a thought and intentional sharing of what’s relevant to me. Go to my instapage here

  • Insta/FB stories/ Pintrest just going to be chucking it out there, no process. Adhoc and untimed, as it happens and also so I am not pop over and follow me on Pintrest I am attempting to build it…slowly. Go to my Pinterest page

  • Blog This is where i want to spend more time- writing. Its’ a cathartic and truly selfish place for me to explore, be more all. The life stuff , the food which is a huge art of my life and the living with the house it’s all in one. I got rid of Mind Your Self which was very inner me. So if you want to follow the ramblings. the recipe will be all three food, life and living so let’s see how it goes. Well you are here so you’ve found it!

  • LinkedIn is the work me, the one that does coaching, consulting, builds programs and delivers them and as they are all me then they will be blended in to. I am not a different person at work or home, same old me doing the lot. So work can be a part of this too and ultimately I do what I actually choose to do. Being self employed has its risks and challenges yet doesn’t everything? Go check me out

Im reading Sarah Akwisombe The money is coming and one thing she says clearly is be you, do you, know you first. So I will do just that pop along or drop in whenever, kettle is always on the aga!


My reflections on 2020

We all go through change, it’s part of life’s flux and boy has 2020 been the year of change.

For some it’s been horrifically sad and grief has taken a huge part of it, for others it’s been a transition to working at home and not being in or on long established routines. Discovering how we work alone or how our partners behaviour is not all we thought?!

Change has been forced on us, through distance and not being able to celebrate, not be with our family the way we want to be or like we did, or hug and love the way we had. Yet we have got through it and in this wave of change and the move into a new year of the decade we must do better. Each one of us owns it -yourself.

What’s’ it meant for you? Are you different now? Reacting differently

I have been fascinated by how individuals have dealt with the 2020 changes. From a dometic realisation that there other half behaves different in the workspace than home. Hearing and seeing them working at home. I’ve loved hearing the feedback from clients about how they suddenly realised their other half said things like - “yeah let’s circle back on that” ,“it’s on the radar” . It must be odd seeing your other half work style and it being a disconnect. Being a husband and wife team we have worked remotely for over 5 years and see each other in this way. The question we ask is why would you be different at work than home? Are you? If you’ve changed why?

Quick aside and work me here - work from home for me needs to be changed work AT home. The transition to and attachment we have now formed to the limitations or opportunities we may have i our home and the ability to work within it. Space irrelevant- tidy up, out your work day away each time you finish work. This is mentally important . many are working from their bedrooms and having that computer screen staring at you, paper left out on the table is a constant reminder and the brain will not switch off or rest of the work mode

Not sure if I have just waffled, chatted sh&* or hopefully the desired outcome given you an insight into my change that it may help with anything happening in your world. Who knows the odd world of tinternet and Im going for the catheratic get it out there bit, for now yet I may change my mind about that too!


Holy Macaroni!


Skilling Up