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Welcome to my world

Come on in.

created by Debbie Halls-Evans

Home of consists of Food, Life and Living.


Why does Home Of exist?

Big Question

Well, I am Debbie Halls-Evans a glasses wearing- cook, wannabe librarian, home loving disguised as a business coach and consultant. my day job title is Chief Change Maker. I love to write, share and pontificate about food, life and living! This whole Home of Real..started with Food back in 2013. I was foraying into food- opened Delicieux my own deli (more about that in Food), I then won The Taste,2014 (UK/ABC) with Nigella Lawson, Antony Bourdain plus the talented and my mentor Ludo Lefebvre. It was an awesome experience which took me a long time to appreciate. I chose to explore more of the things I love which was food, lifestyle (home and living).


Join in- see my ramblings and updates

Join in- see my ramblings and updates

“A double carbohydrate overload, orgasm on a plate”

—Nigella Lawson describing Debbie Halls-Evans winning Sticky Toffee Pudding Pie on The Taste (ABC/C4)

So I’m off the gram, actually all social media* for the foreseeable, long and short story. I saw my behaviours, responses, reactions, thoughts and more change when I was “wasting time, empty scrolling, comparison and assumption creeping in. Never a positive place to be. So I decided to do it differently.

I do this for my journal, and it’s a public space I share. I will do a newsletter and updates, thoughts on Food, Life and Living. A newsletter means I’m in control; it’s my thoughts not influenced by others, and not a trend follower! No sales pitches as this isn’t a money-making venture, and it’s a sharing space of ideas and thoughts. Recommendations from using things not influencing and advertising. Also, I can work on my writing more. This will be good for me, and I hope that you choose to join in if that’s what you would like, and if not, I truly hope you the joy you deserve and that life treats you as kindly as possible.

Follow our journey. Currently off the gram for the foreseeable only find me on twitter for now #homeofrealfood

*Stayed on Twitter @homeforealfood

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