I have integrated Mind Your Self into my Home of Real Life as its the same me in both!
It all begins with you. Your reactions, responses, reactions and retorts. Our ability to see ourselves as we are. Accept, Acknowledge and Act upon who we are, not, who we think others think we should be.
A bit about me, my life.
We connect when we know. We know when we feel ready. We are ready when we share.
I am an oxymoron and happily so, a generalist who has fought herself for many many years.
The Library List
Life in books. My get out of real life was and still remains in books.
I love the touch to the connection of paper, the weight of a tome, the escapism, the learning, the adventure. I share all my books with you to hope you get as much joy as I do. I love books o smuch I built myself a library!