Loss, grief and growth
We talk about life a lot don’t we- what it should be, how it should be, when we will get this and that. We set goals, plans, and schedules, and time goes by, and we talk. A lot about doing, then don’t, we say we will and won’t. I’ve been thinking a lot about how we are, why we say what we do, why we don’t do what we say. I have been coaching for a long time now, and I learn every day something about myself, how it impacts me, influences me, my words, actions, choices, and reactions.

Winner winner “turkey” dinner!
I wanted to write about the win on Scotland's Home of The Year Christmas (22). Getting involved in Scotland's Home of the Year Christmas programme was never my plan! I always wanted to enter the main programme when we had finished all our renovations, and I had that pegged in 2025. As with most things, the plan changed! Or is there ever really a plan?! how w e got on the show
Spring has sprung.
And just like that Spring has sprung into Summer. A mini tome of Food, Life & Living adventures from Spring 2022.
I know for sure.
I don’t write often. Well, I do in my head! I intend to write blogs.
I have so much I can and would like to share. I get lost in the process of the day to day. The priority of one task is to create a new priority. I give permission to others to create distractions or even avoidance. I also wonder why I write
Meet Easter Shian
Meet Easter Shain 19 months on…..Having been in this delightful Glen since August 2020 has given us much joy. The renovation story has been an ….well adventure, to say the least (read more). So I thought I would give you a guided video tour of our beautiful home and where we are 19 months later!
The video is a sped-up walk around the house, I am thinking of doing room by room updates- if that’s interesting, maybe it would be good for me

10 things a renovation project taught us.
The 10 things renovation has taught us. The reality is there are probably a hundred more things, these were the first that came to mind and we are always learning each day. Anything is possible

Celebrations and lists!
Treble celebration of 51 years birthday, 12th wedding anniversary and our 1st anniversary living off grid in our forever home. What a treble. SO decided to be self indulgent and wrote 51 life lessons and 12 marriage lessons list. Well its my birthday and I can “list” if I want to!

Making an entrance (before & after)
Making an entrance is a thing isn’t it, so when we bought the forever house Easter Shian, I knew the entranceway needed some TLC. It's an off yellow and pale green clash on the panelling, the poor floor tiles of blue-grey, the mismatch of décor and ultimately it wasn’t us.
Walking into a house for me, anyway, is a sneak into the soul of the people, their story, their personalities

Food is more than what’s on the plate


Before and After

Time for….

No New You required, thank you.

Missed it, big fail!

Near Miss?

Bookworm or bibliophile?

Self chatter

Habit or story lies?

Showing up

Holy Macaroni!
It’s all changed!
So I’m off the gram for the foreseeable, long and short story. I saw my behaviours, responses, reactions, thoughts and negatively changing when I was “wasting” time, empty scrolling with comparison and assumption creeping in. Never a positive place to be. So I decided to do it differently.
I do this for my journal, and it’s a public space I share. I will do a newsletter and updates, and thoughts on Food, Life and Living. A newsletter means I’m in control; it’s my thoughts not influenced by others, and not a trend follower! No sales pitches as this isn’t a money-making venture, and it’s a sharing space of ideas and thoughts. Recommendations from using things not influencing and advertising. Also, I can work on my writing more. This will be good for me, and I hope that you choose to join in if that’s what you would like, and if not, I truly hope you the joy you deserve and that life treats you as kindly as possible.
Welcome to the blog- I love a mashup & this has it all; food, life & living..
I love writing more so than I ever though my talent doesn’t spread to high quality copywriting, so if you see grammar errors- hey ho. Im focussing on the content not the detail. Oops. I will do better. It’s the typing that causes my errors I can’t make my fingers work at the same speed or the way I want to the words I want! Im sure you will forgive me.
Blogging it does it need a theme?!
Home of the mashup
My thoughts,seriously uncategorised ramblings, travels and even work me (coach and consultant part of my job roles, creative and operational people stuff), plus anything that I can’t squeeze into the other parts of Home of! Love traveling and seeing different ways to live, styles, people. being able to write about it = happiness
Well I did say I like writing and I have created 4 ways to blog it out! Greedy? (I also want guest bloggers so this idea/concept should /could work!).
Home of Real Food
Recipes, Restaurants visits, food experiences , mock drinks and guest bloggers -need to find them to write about alcofrolic, (yes made up word), beverages
Home of Real Living
Tales of the home, renovations, ideas, best bits, bargains home thoughts. Gosh anything I dream home and have a gargantuan folder of wants.
Home of Real Life
As I am minimizing (bringing it altogether one place for it all) my Mind Your Self now lives here. This is all that goes on. The good, the bad and the ugly and how we can deal with it