Before and After

It’s the bathroom ,the temporary fix decor wise that is.

We moved into our lovey house and didn’t know the issues it held inside!

Buying a house in lockdown seems that some corners get cut and some things get omitted!

Its a forever home so we take custody of its 300 year old wonderfulness and expect the odd issue. The exterior and stability of the house is not under question is the previous owners additions and shite shoddy work that is the challenge. So all the plumbing has had to be done- completely redone and also prepped for future renovations too.

What we did was all done for <£100 which personally I think is marvellous. We wanted a new feel and having to retain lots of the sanitaryware meant updating walls.

  • Painted the ceiling and woodwork with F&B House White leftover from doing the sitting room floors

  • Put sticky back plastic marble design on the walls

  • Updated the tiles and border by painting with chalk paint and wax to negate the browns

  • No bathroom mats added rugs instead instant and cheap upgrade

  • Added an old seat/ stool

  • Missing is the shelving that’s going up which we got out of the B&Q skip for free

  • lLighting will be added from in the sale their globe lights

  • We added an old bedside table as storage adding some old to the new

We work fast, impatience is one of my traits and I don’t like unfinished either. So the plans are to have 3 large bedrooms with ensuites, sitting room imagine a luxury suite in a hotel that’s my visual, these 3 rooms take us from 5 to 3- how dare we I hear you say. Well we have 4 outbuildings that will all - eventually- be renovated so having space isn’t the challenge, it’s the quality that’s key.

Updating means your style and personality, we love the old and the new so blending the two is fun.

key tips

Less is more. Take away rathe than add

Be clear with colours- have tonal or contrasting.
Be specific about “the feel” before you start

Always add plants

Bathrooms need storage to ensure it’s part of your plan upgrade




Time for….